Can you recall the exact moment when you decided to become a fashion designer?

My attraction to style and fashion was something that was always with me since my childhood days but being a fashion designer never seemed possible, so I pursue a career in the financial services industry. The thought of actually designing clothes first sparked during the time I was pursing my undergraduate degree in Accounting.
We contacted Berto after discovering their fabrics. The fabrics we received instantly ignited a flame of creative and joy!
What was your first project?

My first project was the first idea I had of designing, which was to make well fitting casual tops that made a statement for young men. It was called Marteino (my middle name).

Creative process: do you work instinctively or planning each single small step? Where do your ideas come from?

My creative process is both instinctive and a bit of planning. I start with a message and feeling that I would like to convey and the message is typically influenced by my environment. I always try to create from a place of positivity with the desire of creating an emotional reaction in the customer. My favorite place for ideas is nature, as I find the possibilities and inspiration to be most raw and unique.

What did you think when you have been contacted by Berto first?

We contacted Berto after discovering their fabrics. The fabrics we received instantly ignited a flame of creative and joy.

Which Berto's fabrics have you been working with for your project/collection?

We have been working with their selvedge denim, particularly the Sandal Herringbone and Seawater.

"Less but better" could be read as an endorsement for purity in design but in fashion design too. It can also be adopted as an environmental message about reduction and sustainability. What do you think about this?

Less but better is actually a core part of our brand message as we often use the term “slow fashion.” I think conscious consumption is an important concept to be adopted by clothing producers in this age of where our planet is at risk of destruction.

Is there anything you'd like to do that you haven't done yet?

We are at the growth stage of our brand so there’s much for us to explore and do. Particularly, exclusive collaborations with Berto would be an opportunity we would like to explore.